Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Hey everyone,

My bags are (almost) packed and I am getting ready to leave in the morning (Tuesday). I fly to Johannesburg (via Atlanta and Dakar, Senegal), spend the night there and then fly to Maseru on Thursday morning. I will keep you all posted when something interesting starts to shake down in Lesotho, but the first few days will be filled with mundane tasks like finding a place to live, buying a phone (Lesotho's country code is 0266 for those who wanted the answer to that trivia question) and start figuring out what sort of work I need to be doing. It will be late winter when I arrive so it should be pretty nice with daytime temperatures in the 60s and lows around 40. I am hoping that the snow is done for this year and that spring and the pink-blooming peach trees of Lesotho will be just around the corner. Take care on this side of the world and drop me a line every now and then and I will get back to you. Be safe!

1 comment:

katie said...

Hey John, hope you got through alright. We've been thinking about you flying and flying and flying.